During the holy month of Ramdhan most of our brothers and sisters disperse their mandatory zakat contributions. The committee members try and approach as many of our community members for these funds to:

# Year Amount
1 2004 shs.2.5 million
2 2005 shs.2.44 million
3 2006 shs.2.36 million
3 2007 shs.3.40 million

Arrangements for distribution of food ration packets and clothing during Ramadhan were made at our centres in Lodwar, Kacheliba, Kainuk, Nguramani, Al Mustafa Islamic Centre – Ruai Islamia Primary School. Majority of the Zakat funds are used towards the upkeep of our centre’s. At present the monthly expenses for the upkeep of Lodwar, Kacheliba, Kainuk,NgurumanI, Ruai and Ndalano centres is nearly shs400,000 per month.

These funds are also utilized to assist poor muslims to meet bills and school fees. We also utilize zakat funds to reimburse travelling expenses of students taking part in the Quran recitation, Tahfidhul Quran and Seerat-Un-Nabi competitions.